Saturday, April 23, 2011 I love days like this...

2 modules down and 3 more to go...

Finally freed from the two useless modules in the world.. Well..maybe not that useless. EG1413 that is.

It's been so long since I felt so relieved. I don't know why but today, I was just relived that the paper was over. It wasn't about scoring anymore. I knew I could at least pass, which was enough. I wonder why.

Or maybe it's because now I'm getting my confidence back. Hopefully, I can get a few more interviews and score a job. Otherwise, I am prepared for the worst. It would mean staying in Singapore for the next year but it wouldn't be as bad as I thought, hopefully. Of course, other than not having a vacation job this summer, I don't know what could be worse.

But I prefer to take things one step at a time. =)

It also just means that I will get to see my friends from NS around in NUS if I stay in Singapore.
2 years ago, they were all whining about armies. Now they are working while waiting to enroll into a university.
When exams end, my life as a year 2 student/sophomore would end.
Time flies.

but I'm looking forward to the holidays =D
9:02 PM

17 April

Been on a rollar coaster ride recently. I can't concentrate. My mind been revolving around the worst case senario. Seriously speaking, I highly doubt any companies would be willing to hire me. I am just not good enough.

After asking around from the people who got through the interview for their resume, I finally understand why they got the job. Why they got in. Their resume are impressive. Not the format but the experience they have. They totally beat me hands down. Way out of my league.

I have no idea how I got in the first place. I am starting to think that it is pure fluke that I got in. Like seriously. If I saw their resumes from the start, I wouldn't have wanted a technical job anymore. Because I know, for sure I wouldn't get it.

For now, I pray.

*This post was only posted now because blogger was down during the period I really needed to write. GAHHH... Maybe I should really switch to wordpress soon. It seems that blogger hates mozilla and only works on google chrome. =( *
8:56 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is just so sad. When you missed a lecture and no one is nice enough to update you on what he covered. Especially the fact that that was the last lecture so there is no lectuer next week. Oh boy. What was I expecting?

Just coz I would do the same for others doesn't mean that they would do the same for me.
10:14 AM