Sunday, February 27, 2011
Been undergoing a series of emotions tonight. From the heart dropping "Shit-I-havent-done-any-work-and-it's-saturday" thanks to Govind to the really depressed and morbid feeling to the "i-feel-like-I-intruded-your-privacy" kind of thing. Anyhow, I really enjoy reading your blog. Because you are so honest, about your feelings, about your relationship and basically everything that goes on in your life. Your relatively recent entry was thought provoking. I began thinking what would happen if... it happens to me? I wasn't really able to understand your feelings at that point in time and truthfully I don't want to. It's because it's too scary. I don't even want to think about it. I want the fairytale of mine now to last. And because I have been taking things for granted that it would always remain this way, I never realise how fleeting life was till I read your entry. Something was stuck in my throat. =X While things might seem tough now, hang on. Coz things will get better. =) In contrast, I think I am on the opposite spectrum. Because one, I don't express myself well, in words at least and two, I would write for the sake of the eyeballs looking at my blog. And think about their reaction to my entry. Then when I finally decide to post for the public eyes to see, I start editing everything or just save the entry as a draft. I should really start learning from you and be more honest about my feelings, and opinions. ---- On a completely random note, I think it is wonderful to have friends you can really open your heart to. =) Like your worries and fears. =)) While I might not been showing my appreciation to you, thank you (You know who you are). =) On a side note, I think it's really difficult for me to open up to guys. HAHA. =p I just think that they won't understand my troubles or they will probably think that I am too paranoid on certain stuff. =p But there are people that I am slowly opening up to though =) Thank you dearest for being one of my bestest friend =)
12:38 AM