Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Damn....For the past 2 weeks, I have been losing my things. First, my earphones, then my retainers, now my hp pouch. And it was a present from you =( Sighh.... I shall try not to bring any important items with me when I try =(((

The Lost and not yet found(Doubt it will ever be found) items aside, some updates on my life.

I went back to Meridian today, with biz club peeps and our seniors. =) Nothing much changed...The only difference was Perkcafe painted orange and being air conditioned now =D Hoho... Oh yes, the pool table "shrink" =p It's been 2 and a half years since I went back to Meridian JC. Feels like just yesterday where I was studying there, stuck with classmates I can't change(sadly =( ). But yes, I graduated.

I used to look forward to university so much, because unlike during Junior College, I can move around. I don't have different timetables with my friends. I don't have to attend the same class as those people. Heh... They used to say, you can never forget the way people made you feel. It's true. I shall stop here, before I fill this entry with my grouses and despise for the very people (males in particular) who made my life hell before. =p Not that bad to them for sure, since they had been enjoying it. Bonded them together you know?

Anyways, I caught up with biz club peeps and teachers today. =D Mr David Cia, Mr Daniel Nah, Ms Huda, Mr Ng Kar Kit are still working in MJC. =D Mr Cia is as observant as ever. Mr Nah and Mr Kar Kit are still... busy =p As for Ms Huda, she just gave birth to her first child =D To think that previously, we were guessing whether she was pregnant or she well, grew a little chubbier. =p Didn't dare to ask. She still remembers Gabriel, as the polite boy who always greet her in class. =p

Watched How to Train your Dragon =D The dragons are sooo cute =p=p I also want one =p Can one dragon fly to me? =p=p Or can I buy one? =p Pretty please? =p

Shall pack for oweek camp tmr =D Write up my CV and read the games description =D
10:35 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I think it's true... life always has a way of making you eat your own words... =)

But because of that, I am much happier now =) or both of us are... All the misunderstandings are cleared up =) funny how both of us used the exact same words that we thought would have one meaning, but when we were the recipients of the phrase, we would think of another meaning. =p

After weeks of not touching the paper, something interesting in newspaper column in today caught my eye today - Honesty is overrated and Going the distance as a 'try-athlete'. I love the way the words are being phrased, and the way the writer bring across his/her points. They are good enough that I went through the trouble of finding the article online =)

To quote the first article, "I've never been a believer in brutal honesty. It's just so terribly inconvenient." Ain't it true? If everyone were plain honesty, depending on the tone of the voice and how close the person is to you, it could very well come off as being rude and inconsiderate. It may even be considered a form of disrespect when you tell the truth in front of everyone, because you are not "giving face" to the recipient. Like the author said, "Let's face it - if you told the truth all the time, you'd have no friends to be honest to.." That I agree. It sounds an awful lot like public ranting to me, written in a humorous and witty way, in a way that make me nod my head =)

I shall add his conclusion to entice you to click on the link and read his article, because I think it is worth a read =) Do comment on the tag board or on this entry if you do read the link and have thoughts to share. =)
"Besides, honesty is overrated. Sure, George Washington might not have been able to tell a lie as a child, but then the dude grew up and became a politician.

And that is how the cherry tree crumbles."

As for the second article, I think I belong to the second group of try-athlete, instead of a triathlete. That I confess. =p Like the writer commented "The latter are the ones who swim, cycle and run, separately, and for whom just getting out the door to do any one of these is a real test of their endurance and ability." That I agree. But for me, just about going out now is a real test of my perseverance. Because, well, I am a couch potato. =p Well, I am really lazy when it comes to going out, but date me out anyways =p

The past week has been really busy, with me rarely home and out doing work, riding on an emotional coaster, but the coaster is parked and closed down now. =) yep... =) For now, I am going to sleep... It will be a good night tonight... =) Especially since my flu recovered. =D
12:56 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Hello dreamy...

One of the longest trips home. Boarded the train at around 10pm at Clementi today. The kind of trips where you are tired but you can't seem to sleep. Silly me. I was hoping and waiting for a call which I know wouldn't come, but I waited anyways. It didn't come in the end....

 Sigh... A long and mentally, and emotionally tiring day. Towards the end of the day, I realised something I thought(and expected) would happen probably wouldn't happen. Silly me ehh? Never taking the odds into account and yet I continue hoping.

So many things went wrong today. I thought it would be smooth sailing but I was wrong. Ignorant ignorant me. Naive naive me...

Yep, feeling really depressed today, probably steming from the many "screw ups" which were solved in the end, to dissapointment(a major chunk of it), to waiting for my chui phone(yeah, Omnia sucks. Super slow and laggy, screw what I raved about it previously) to retrieve a message, to getting greeted by a dressing down from reaching home late.

Dear dreamy, since I have no one to rant my day's complain to, will you lend me your ear?

Hopefully, I will be excited enough to try out the printer tomorrow, the big day! Everything is linked up now. Hopefully, (crossing my fingers and toes), with luck, no troubleshooting is needed.

Govind: I haven't baked yet =p=p Hehe...
12:38 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Omg omg, I am so, so excited. =D So many good news along the way when doing this project... Hehe =3

^^ Thou shall not complain anymore =3
8:58 AM

Monday, May 10, 2010

Under Promise, Over Deliver... =)

Key phrase of the day! Heh... Our project is way way ahead of dateline. 3 months ahead. Yays! \(^o^)/

We can probably get that machine moving tomorrow, thanks to my partner goal oriented and self-disciplined nature. He is really motivated. =D And yep, I said it. Received constructive feedback and a warning though. But I think we sorted out our differences overall =).

Throughout the entire process, which wasn't very long, I learnt alot. From what to look out for when buying wires, to soldering wires, from the different connectors to the different pins, from "saving money" by "hacking" an old computer power source to actually buying one and learning how to wire a 3 pin plug, the usage of different tools when it comes to connecting different things. Lessons I would have never bothered to find out. =D

Did you know that there is such thing as a glue gun? =D

Other than the technical terms, there were also the leadership quality and maturity I learnt from my partner. Lots of lessons well learnt =) though some of the things he said made me think twice.

Going home late was a little creepy though, but I met Xing Quan and Bing Ren on the way back. =D

Some pictures from my project...XD

The clueless me at the start of the project with no idea where to start...

The old PC supply I tried to hack. It stills works and it provides 12V, 5V, 3.3V and 0V =D

The little robot that is part of the parts of the project =)

My first soldering experience =DD
Looking good there eh, wires? ^^

Old power Supply which was replaced by this later. Plus, the wiring of the 3 pin plug =D

And that's all folks... =D Time to do my CV to prepare for the next chapter of the holidays! =D

11:43 PM

The week ahead will be long... =(

Will I be able to give 102% for the next 3 days? I hope so. Otherwise, I would feel unfit to reap the rewards at the end of the project. No sense of satisfaction either. Tomorrow, I am taking a gamble. I am in no position to bargain, but I am going to try. It's the least I can expect from the other party. I hope I can casually pass on my "expectation" as a partner. And that it won't sully our relationship either.

I spent 2 days of my weekend, slacking at home, reading manga, doing the most wonderful thing in life, sleeping. =D I think it's one of the best thing in life, where you enjoy time alone, by yourself. In our dreams, the orderly law of reality and physics are not as binding and we can sometimes have the most absurd dreams. But this absurdity would end, upon waking up, for better or worse (say if you had a nightmare). It's also another way to pass time. I think it's wonderful, being able to wake up and not worry about the time =)

But just like that, I expended my weekends with manga and sleeping. At the rate I am spending my days, I will probably come to regret it in the future. I know that I should start mapping out my holidays, start looking for a job(yep, I changed my mind) etc... but, since thursday, I haven't found the motivation to start working. And now is probably one of the crucial time in my life. Not many see it but what we make of during our holidays are important. So important before we graduate and get caught in the rat race.

Time is ticking... =(

I think it is undeniable that motivation is really important. It can jump-start a project and give you courage to step out of your comfort zone. Perseverance is the second key to continuing the project at hand.

Everyone has an ideal self that they try to be and I am probably failing in that aspect. I haven't quite reached one particular characteristics of that ideal self but I am going to try.
Before I end this entry, I am going to leave 2 quotes here that I think is really meaningful to me =)

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison

Wishes are for the weak, prayers are for the lost and hopes are for the misguided
From a friend on facebook =p

Come back soon with lots of stories kay? =) 2 more days before you are back from Malaysia ^^
1:30 AM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

hehe... knocked out early at 9pm last night... Feeling really rejuvenated ^^ After sleeping like a log from 9pm till nearly 4am =D Hopefully, this burst of energy will last me through the day =D

watched full metal early in the morning too =D
8:23 AM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Oh, it's the holidays? O.o

Yay! I finally reached home, sweating like a pig (sounds familar? =p), but early =)

I think it will be more effective if I read up alone at I can nap whenever I feel like it. ^^ Ahahahx...I really do want to go out, with Sy En, with Cherish, Phoebe, Hui Li and peeps, with you =), with yan and chong alone, with the EE gang, with Fadz and Wenhui, with Clarence... with with...everyone.... 

It's the holidays since last fridays, but I don't feel like it's the holidays. Since Monday, I have been waking up at 6am just to go to school with my sisters. I'm not complaining, but I feel inefficient, and especially ignorant. There's a familar sense of frustration and helplessness associated with this ignorance, threatening to explode within me. But well, it is still controllable.

As for my previous entry earlier this afternoon, well, let's just say that I expected it. More like, why didn't I just sit down and analyse, by myself? I guess, perhaps, I wanted to escape from whatever I am currently involved in, and really, give myself some time just to hang out, with friends...

Today, I lugged home more than 6kgs worth of notes, for modules taken in year 2. 6kg(yep, I went to weigh it) in a plastic bag on 1 hand, and a few more files stuff away in my Purple Bag. I suspect my purple bag will become as flakey and crumpled as my white bag soon. =p Rawr! It's soooo scary, the amount of things we WILL have to study in year 2, but I am not gonna touch the notes yet. That's for next semester to worry about. Eeeeyeew, the notes are kind of disgusting now that I think about it, and I expect myself to struggle even more to stay afloat next semester.

It was mere coincidence as to how I got the notes, but the senior who gave me that notes was really cool. An American Chinese. Hahahx...I think his command of english might even be better than me. =) Found out more about the course (Electrical Engineering) I subscibed myself in when I entered NUS.

Oh well, I haven't even planned out my holidays yet, but after 12th May(And perhaps some days of "overtime"), let's go out shall we? =)
6:53 PM

I should have known... Sighh....
1:53 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010 It's the holidays! =D

Guessed how I spent yesterday? =D

Sleeping! Yes, doing my favourite pastime as well as catching up on my sleep debt. Laying under the bed covers, silently staring at the ceiling without worrying about time. =) I slept nearly the entire day yesterday due to my headache. And whatever time I was awake, I spent it manga-ing.... =D Hehehe.... I'm still nursing this headache though. Maybe I slept too much? =p

But gahh....I know I have been procrastinating doing the things I need to do. Yeah, it's the holidays but life goes on...And I'm going back to school for this project I took up on Monday. =( Mann...I wonder if it's worth it... *Feels like escaping* I haven't even downloaded the software for it nor has my knowledge about it increased. T.T like how you analsyed for me, I think perhaps, this project is doomed to fail... Yet, this project will probably take up most of my time till 12th May...

I rather that we spend more time together though...since semester 3 will be more hectic than this semester. =p hehe...

As for work, I haven't even sent out my resume. Perhaps, working in IRAS or a bank would be fine...See how things goes I guess. I wanna start on tuition, for the money. But I think my procrastination will probably win and in the end, I wouldn't work. And someone will win the bet over who earns more ehh? =p

Rawr....Okays, I am just ranting... =D Just really glad that this much needed break is here...So back to manga-ing and starting to read up on that project. =X
11:52 AM