Friday, July 31, 2009
I've been outbidded for the Critical Thinking Module! What now? This means that I can't study the subject this semester and it would be too risky to try bidding for it in the second round (since there a quota of 2 students only =.= ) . It's been an exiting day today, with the uncertainty of whether you bid enough for your modules. True, it's a test of decision making skills and almost mimicking the way we prioritize decision making in real life. I've also encountered the "showhand syndrome", that is throwing an insane amount of points 750 which is usually seen in other bidding rounds for 3rd years students etc. I wanna know who's that joker who threw in all his points for EG 1431. I wonder how he/she's like...An eccentric who defies all laws of common sense or a sane person who calculated the chances of spending away all points of 750. Odds are impossible for the minimum bid to be 750 but that joker would be pushing up the bid price for that particular slot. That aside, I guess I would take a GEM/ SS module this semester then, not that I have a choice to make up my 20MCs/19MCs to be precise this semester so as not to overload next semester. I need 160 MCs altogether to graduate. Anyways, since the system is kind of complicated and would take a long time to explain, I shall skip the explanation. As for CCAs, I'm definitely intending to join one. In fact, I'm already in 3 CCAs automatically, the NUSSU (NUS Student Union), Engineering Club and Investment Club (which I joined of my own accord). Investment Clubs is ad-hoc basis though and the best thing is it's up to you if you want to prioritise your studies and be an inactive member and not join any CCAs AT ALL. Well, since this is the last student life I will enjoy, before I enter the working world, I would like to strike a balance, a very fine one indeed, between studies and CCAs. This are the CCAs that interest me so far: -AIESEC (Travel abroad and work for a short period of time) - Engineering & Computing Club - Institue of Electrical& Electronics Club - NUS Business Incubation Global Organisation (BINGO) - NUS Entrepreneurship Society - Toastmasters Club (I'm definetely joining this) - NUS Student Community ( Ad-hoc basis once again, like do CCAs once in a while) - Friends of NOC (to find out more information on NOC) AND 1 more Martial Arts/ Sports club - Health & Fitness Club (Yoga, kick-boxing, pilates...) or - Taekwondo/ judo/ Muai Thai So many clubs right? I'm shocked myself too. No wonder people can get so overwhelmed by the amount of activities in NUS. I'm obviously not going to join all. It's a sure way to fail the honours that I'm aiming for or worse, getting kicked out of NUS. So please don't lecture me on the varied interest I have / planning to develop. I can't help having a wide interest right? Anyways, it's amazing the number of CCAs there are that are catered to my interests. HAHAx. I hope I don't forget that I'm there to study and that I want to go for NUS overseas College. Speaking of which, I bought a Fujitsu laptop, my very own lappy. I finally managed to convince my mum that Fujitsu is worth is and that the HP design offered sucks. I really couldn't stand it. And my parents relented though albeit reluctantly. Wahhz.. Maybe I should have taken Acer instead. According to Hui Li, the specs is better but I was worried about the IT support. My dad had a Acer laptop before and the IT support sucks. HP is still the best in IT support. But with IT coop in NUS, I shouldn't have to worry right? =x It's also cheaper and not as bad looking as HP. HP looks like those old computers in school. Oh ya, over HP and Fujitsu design, even though HP specs are better, people still prefer Fujitsu. HP design are a real turn off. This goes to show that deisgn still play a very important role in consumer's decision making. It's not unreasonable at all, I mean if the food looks like it's fished out of the bin, no matter how tasty it is, will you still dare to try it? In the campus, laptops will be like an identity that shouts how the student is like, at least to me. Like this: Not very visible though, for the material they use. I chose a white color for my Fujitsu laptop. This is my laptop: I know it will turn grey easily, but I can't help prefering white over black. =x Even my bag is white. I think it suits me more. Hahax. And yupx, that's all. Heh.. Till next time~
9:59 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
It's a little daunting, given the freedom to plan your own timetable and learn at your own pace. But this also means that you can overload your semester if you decide to finish a degree in 3.5 years instead of 4 years, for honors. ^^ I attended a tea session held at NUS today. It was really intriguing, how the CORS (Centralised Online Registration System) and how NUS works overall. I'm usually being asked, "Why engineering, or more specifically, electrical engineering? I guess it would be because engineering is integral in our daily life that we something don't notice it and that I would like to be at the forefront of these technological advancements. It's so exciting and interesting isn't it? And I'm more interested in electircal engineering than other engineering and so that's why I chose electrical engineering. Anyways, before attending the talk, this was how my priorities are (highest to lowest) : - Major EE - Tuition - CCA And now, I have a different mindset. Any plans of tuitioning for an income would be put aside and instead I would concentrate on my studies. My parents changed their mind and decided to pay for my education (since they love me so much =p) , so instead of stressing myself out over the money issue, I should focus on my studies. There are just so many things to juggle, from the Core modules, GEMS, SS (Singapore Studies) to Creative thinking module (assuming I pass the QET and praying very hard that I do pass). And these are just part of the core and breadth modules. There's still the Unresticted electives I planning to take and spread out over 4 years. Oh yes, networking is a verty important and essential part of university life too and considering that these are my last few years in school, so I should enjoy it right? ^^ It's not all about studies. Back to the topic, the talk today not only broadens my knowledge of how universities actually works, but also the diverse areas of modules (across faculties) you can take in NUS. Nus also offers a lot of opportunities too. From double degrees to double majors/minors to immersing yourself in student exchange programme and NUS overseas College. I feel so excited just thinking about it. Having said that, it's understood and fair that a minimum grade is required to take part in these programmes. As they say, Jack of all trade and master of none is particularly pertinent in university as most of your assignments and tests are graded on a consecutive basis. I suppose everyone should be aiming for first class honors (me included =D), and so it's best not to take a bite more than you can chew and instead focus on the modules you selected. NUS overseas College - going overseas and staying there for 1 year! How exciting! To work full time as an intern in a start-up company and study part time in the one of the top universities globally, one of which is Stanford. This way, its financially and academically savvy. Imagine the overseas network and exposure you will gain, and getting to experience first hand how a start up company is run. True, being a start-up company (usually less than 20 employees) mean that you would have an unfair amount of workload not compensated by the amount that you earn, but you will learn more won't you? As compared to MNCs where you are given rountine jobs, I prefer start ups. However, the downside to this programme is that you will have to stay back for 1 semester (half a year) to graduate. =( Initially, I was a little apprehensive on bringing up this topic with my parents. I thought that my parents wouldn't allow me overseas for a year and I wanted to wait till I managed to get a few students first before telling my mum. BUT, I need to advertise in the newspapers with my mum's account. So I brought it up today in the end. It turns out that I was wrong. My parents are very supportive instead and strongly discourage me to take up tuition for a side income. Lolx. Being held back or overloaded with too many modules is another possibility too. But challenges and stretching yourself to your limit are what makes life fun and interesting right? Gah!!! But it will still be tough. Since I got the okay from my parents, I'm going to try for it in year 2! The question is, do I plan to go into the technological industry, more inclined towrds the electrical industry or something totally unrelated to what I'm studying - finance indstry? Well, it's not like I will be marrrying the industry for life but much thought should be given to this topic. In any case, for now, I'm planning to take one step at a time and work my way towards my goal. ^^ Jia you to everyone and myself! \(^o^)/
9:55 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Looks like I'll be paying for my own university fees after all. Just found out today that my parents won't be paying for me. Lolx. I naturally took for granted that the tuition fees will be paid for by my parents. If I had known, I would have continued working even after March. Oh well, no point moaning over spilled milk. It kind of caught me unprepared. I mean, I intended to pay for my own fees, but this revelation makes it mandatory for me to pay by my own. Sigh... And there's the driving fees which I intended to pay by myself too. I wonder if it's all going to end up as talk. Being a student means being in debt huh? I could choose to pay after graduation, but compounded interest will be included. Plus, I'm intending to pursue an honour degree, followed by a Master degree too, by which I'm not sure if Master degree would be covered by the tuition grant. I'm so going to graduate in the negative eh? I guess I will be paying via CPF which is kind of troublesome to apply for. There's the interest rate of 2.5% per month (not too sure yet), which is comparatively low compared to other banks. At least, the interest is paid to my parent's account instead of banks. =D And it would motivate me to be more hardworking since I'm paying out of my pocket. Hopefully it will come with more freedom, since I'm paying for my own fees. I doubt so though. If it's possible, I would like to go overseas with Biz Club, if anyone is ever organising. Hehe... =p But that would be impossible till I get my own flat. And the question is, how is a student going to pay for his/her own fees? Taking up tuition would be the best and easier option for me now. It's just that I would have to revise my old syallabus of secondary maths, though I doubt I would have any problems with lower secondary maths. I could try teaching JC maths, but that would require even more preparation. I forgot most of the maths learnt in JC. =( Hahax. Although I would earn more. So for now, if you have a secondary friend who require tuitioning, recommend them to me okay? ^^ And no primary school student if possible. coz just one student alone takes up 3 hour per week of my time.
4:51 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Biz Club Sentosa 2009 Outing
Do you know what today is? Today is the first time my entry of Biz Club Outing is posted earlier than Hayden and I'm dilligently writing a post! Say Yay! Since I'm too lazy to type, I shall just upload the pictures, courtesy of Siu Yin and Asher. Speaking of which, there's this one photo in my phone taken on the day itself, Biz Club Outing Day. I wonder if I should upload. =p *dodges tomatoes from Hayden and JX while the rest of the audience applauds for the perfect angle while the shot is taken. =D Smiles smudgely to herself. * I think I will send it to the rest of Biz clubbers later through e-mail.^^ Aren't I nice? =p On saturday, 11th July 2009, Biz Clubbers decided to travel to Sentosa by Monorail to celebrate Zimin and Jia Xian's birthday. We decided to go to the more ulu part of the beach (I forgot the name. lol.) After playing Frisbee, volley ball while snacking on Sandwiches, curry puffs and watermelon, we decided to bury Daniel and Jia Xian in the Sand. Muahahahax. The sand nearer the sea was really soft, like flour. We are using the sand that Singapore bought to Sentosa to play. Lolx. ![]() Turns out that it was tougher than we thought. Without spades or buckets, we went on with the plan using the primitive way of our legs (especially) and hands. =) ![]() Work in Progress... A short intermission before we resume work. =p Heh. ![]() Aww, look at JX smiling so sweetly. I wondder what he's thinking of. And Daniel looks like he's asleep! Lolx ![]() Work completed, as a result of our.... *drum rolls* legs! Heys, look! Despite, Daniel and JX moving about when they laugh (poor thing, they have to try really hard not to laugh. =p), we overcame all odds and managed to bury both of them with sand. Well, we wanted to pour water on them in order to "complete" this project (so that the sand would hardened and they would feel heavier...)*evil grin* But since it was too tiresome and troublesome, we left them as it is. The 2 mummies, starring (from the left) Jia Xian and Daniel... RIP (Rest in peace)... Before taking on the project above, thanks to JX, Charles, Mabel and Siu Yin, we managed to tie the hammock firmly between 2 coconut trees. ![]() Say Cheese... ![]() My first time on the hammok... I wonder if the sting holding the hammock will give way... >< ![]() Success! ![]() And now for a pose. =D The 2 Charlie Angel pose are below. Where are your weapons to protect Charlie, Angels? =p Remember to keep a copy and print them out as wallet size picture Charlie. *winks and dodges tomatoes from Hayden again.* ![]() ![]() ![]() Look, Siu Yin is taller than ZiMin... But wait... look carefully, She's cheating! Hahax, the original picture should be below. ![]() Now that's much more comfortable right, Siu Yin? ![]() Heh, the two girls in pink today. Pink is the colour to go on sat. Even my slippers and umbrella is pink! Lolx. ![]() Charles: "What's up?" ![]() Wait... Don't tell me you are looking at the girl behind Mabel? Tsk tsk... jkjk. Charles is in front of Mabel... Who's knows what's he is looking at... Hmm... Mabel decides to close 2 eyes by shielding herself with Charles' PINK umbrella! ![]() Now now, don't be so afraid of the umbrella. It won't bite. ![]() Heh, caught cha' ![]() Now time for another pose. =D The 2 first 3 months friends. ^^ ![]() 2 rainbows after the drizzle! Can you see it? ![]() Jokes and Stories time! Look at us listening intently... ![]() En Chou: "You wanna eat my bread? No no, it's mine! Off limits for you..." ![]() Aww, how sweet.. What are you doing Daniel? ![]() And as the sky gets darker... ![]() It's time for a group picture! ![]() Notice that Jia Xian legs are off the ground? ![]() Uh-oh.. What are they planning to do? ![]() A close up shot. Oh-la-la, what a scene! ![]() And JX is successfully dunked! Look at Jack standing at attention! And that's all the random shots on Sentosa. For dinner, we proceeded to City Hall, riverview valley restaurant (correct me if I'm wrong) to eat our dinner. It was 9pm by the time we reach there. And we got 10% off our final bill thanks to Siu Yin. \(^o^)/ ![]() Here, your present Jia Xian - a wet tissue from the restaurant! Happy 19th Birthday! With love, Daniel... Aww, how sweet right? Though the present is a little.. er.. lacking in sincerity. ![]() The real present, from all of us includes a card and a long sleeved shirt + tie. ![]() Now presenting Charlie and his angel! A card and earphone! ![]() the 2 Angels... fallen to earth to save poor charlie.. WAHAHAHAX. XD ![]() Look, Siu Yin and I are so tall~ ![]() Alright alright, we shall resign to our fates of being vertically challenged. ![]() Presenting... *durm rolls* the birthday boy... ![]() Wah.. Jia Xian is being carried again... by his fellow male in arms... ![]() The group photo. A pity it came out blurry. Lesson learnt? Never block the flash or try to take 2 photos at once... ![]() And a scandalous picture. =D Now, after our dinner, we head over to the roof top of esplanade. And so begun our photo taking session again! =D ![]() The birthday girl and boy... ![]() Come on.. Make a wish... ![]() I wish... (it's a secret...) ![]() Any glam way to eat a cake with your fingers? ![]() Ready, set and... ![]() action. Good work everyone... ![]() Sun burnt! but Hayden's still normal coz he joined us during Dinner... ![]() Truth or dare.. and they chose dare... And the dare is ... to bite off the curry puff from both sides at the same time. ![]() Aww.. how sweet... 来老婆,reng (let, can't find the chinese character) 我喂你。 We managed to catch the last train... ![]() Jack and Charles.. what are you doing? Posing? hehe... ![]() Daniel is seriously sun burnt. ![]() *stares* ![]() On the way back, we girls had fun squeezing out pieces of information from the guys, since they had no choice but to choose truth. ![]() Aww... Jack is so shy... The end. To be continued... =D Remember to catch the next episode. ^^ Labels: Biz club Sentosa outing 2009
1:53 PM